The Untold Story of PechaKucha St. Cloud

In this installment of the Untold Stories of Central Minnesota, Arts & Cultural Heritage Producer Jeff Carmack encounters a new community-building phenomenon in St. Cloud called PechaKucha.  Originating from a Japanese architectural firm as a way of trimming down boring meetings and presentations, PechaKucha is now in over 1,000 cities worldwide and uses a simple guideline to produce something incredible. 

Speakers from the community are allotted 20 PowerPoint slides that advance every 20 seconds to provide a six-minute, forty-second framework for presentations upon any topic where they find their passion.  From learning from toddlers to traveling the world to exploring the deepest meaning within ourselves, PechaKucha St. Cloud revealed the passions within our community and looks to be a quarterly event that will continue to do so out into the future.

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