Trick-or-Trivia: A Hauntingly Good Time takes place February 14-16, 2025.
Looking to stream #TriviaWeekend? We have variety of options to stream KVSC including a pop-out MP3 player, TuneIn Radio app, and more. It will provide universal access to our stream, and it works on all platforms!
Take a look at KVSC’s Trivia Weekend throughout the years, thanks to St. Cloud University Archives!
Trivia Weekend is a game like no other. The 50-hour marathon requires relentless endurance. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will most likely suffer from extreme exhaustion. Preparation and organization are essential to surviving the long weekend. Whether you are new to Trivia Weekend or are a veteran seeking out a new strategy, the resources listed can be of great assistance to you. The following Trivia tools were created by Trivia super fans. They are designed to keep your team organized and efficient in the most trying of times. If you have any questions about the resources listed below, please contact the person who created it directly (you may also be tempted to thank them).
Trivia Excel Spread Sheet
New to Trivia? This sample Trivia Weekend Scorecard Spreadsheet was created by trivia player, Glenda, to help teams focus more on the fun of Trivia rather than the trivialities of keeping track of trivia. You may also want to figure out an eat and sleep schedule…let the games begin!