The Granite City Radio Theater Season 8 Episode 3

And here we are, the Granite City Radio Theater on March 11, 2020.

It’s a time right before all the social distancing protocols surrounding the COVID-19 virus became a serious reality, and one last chance for us all to get together to share some laughs as the news changed hourly for the worse.

So, of course we poked fun at it as host Jay Terry unveiled The Corona Polka!

Jay also visited the Stearns History Museum for a mythological tour.

Also along for the ride was the Shade’s Brigade crew as Jack Shade may have finally met his match!

Special Musical Guest Debbie Duncan and house band Collective Unconscious dove deep into a legacy of jazz only achievable by her kind of legend.

Dan Barth’s Trivia Challenge was about as challenging as finding toilet paper in today’s world.

Wild Scholastica wonders about the college crowd.

And, of course, the Honorable Mayor provides honorable insight about recent events.

PLEASE STAY TUNED FOR MORE INFORMATION CONCERNING OUR FINAL SHOW OF THE SEASON! Seriously, though, we’re not sure what we will do, or when, but something’s coming! It’s RADIO THEATER which means we really don’t NEED an audience . . . although we really LOVE the audience! Without them, who’s gonna play the Kazoo?

This program is funded in part by the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Legacy Grant!

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