The Granite City Radio Theater Season 8 Episode 4 with Musical Guest Michael Shynes: The Season Finale Held a Little Late on June 24, 2020

So, yeah . . . the COVID thing! Our original season finale was supposed to air back in early May, but as you well know, that just didn’t happen. We’re smart enough to know when silly isn’t safe, dontcha know!

Still, we had one more show to produce for the season, and we wanted to do it as safely as possible while still giving central Minnesota the best quality comedy, drama, and music that we could.

And we did it.

This is by far the most unique and yet highest quality Granite City Radio Theater to ever be produced during our 8 year run. It’s got all the stuff you’d expect, but yet, it’s all different. Everything is different!

Big thanks to guest musician Michael Shynes joining Collective Unconscious!

Another big thanks to the Shades Brigade crew and Eric Webster for delivering something amazing by using the most interesting production methods available.

And another big thanks to everyone who laughed . . . because while it’s tough to laugh right now, it’s even tougher to write something that will make the laugh happen. If you don’t know what this means, just give it a listen . . .;)

But the biggest thanks, neigh, the ultimate thanks, goes out to Jim Gray, Alex Hartman, and the multitudes of technical magic spells they cast in order to broadcast a performance with this level of audio quality. Seriously, give a listen, and please know that Jay Terry does NOT sound anywhere near as good in real life.

See ya next season!

This program is funded in part by the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Legacy Grant!

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