The Granite City Radio Theater Season 9 Episode 2 with Special Musical Guest Davina Sowers from Davina and the Vagabonds

We might be getting used to this socially distanced thingy, but we still miss having YOU in the live studio audience!
It’s Season 9 Episode 2 of the Granite City Radio Theater with special musical guest Davina Sowers from Davina and the Vagabonds joining house band Collective Unconscious!
There is also, of course, the Shades Brigade crew experiencing a new kind of danger . . . from within!
Central Minnesotarian comedy gets educated.
Wild Scholastica gets theatrical.
SuccessCo offers up a springtime product for your gardening needs.
Dan Barth’s Trivia Challenge truly becomes challenging.
And, the Honorable Mayor gives area graduating seniors a message of hope and hilarity!