May 12, 2024

Highway 10 rollover crash in Benton County hospitalizes three

By Grace Jacobson / News Director

RICE, Minn. — Three people are hurt–two of which severely–after a rollover crash in Benton County.

It happened just after 4 p.m. on Friday.

The Minnesota State Patrol says a car with five people inside was driving eastbound on Highway 10 when it drove off the road near East Main Street in Rice and rolled.

Two of the passengers, 25-year-old Hernan Gustavo Landi Pachar and 22-year-old Manuel Narvaez, were severely hurt from the crash, but are said to recover in the hospital.

The driver of the car suffered minor injuries and was also hospitalized.

All involved are from Minneapolis.

Deputies believe alcohol wasn’t a factor.

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