Veterans Voices Month brings student veterans together with the community

In a run up to Veterans Day 2014 on the Untold Stories of Central Minnesota, Arts and Cultural Heritage Producer Jeff Carmack talks with Jesse Abel, Derek Neumann, and Zach Mangus from the SCSU Veterans Resource Center about upcoming events on campus included within the state’s new Veterans’ Voices program. 

With less than 1% of the population having served in the military, the events within this month long opportunity for veterans and the community to engage in conversation about the veteran experience include the screening of the award winning film “Restrepo” to be followed with a student veteran panel, the screening of the documentary “The Typist” followed by a conversation with the last surviving clerk of the Nuremburg Trials following World War II Larry Tillemans, and a Veteran Storytellers event in the Atwood Quarry.  

This program is funded in part by the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Legacy Grant.


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