May 28, 2024

Amazon Prime series features CSB+SJU students, alums

By Grace Jacobson / News Director

COLLEGEVILLE, Minn. — An Amazon Prime show now features a slice of central Minn.

The College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University are the first two colleges in Minn. featured on The College Tour, an Amazon Prime series that shares the story of a single college or university through the lens of its current students.

The half-hour episode on Saint Ben’s and Saint John’s premiered Tuesday as part of the show’s eleventh season.

Filmed on the campuses in fall 2023, the episode features ten CSB and SJU students and alums.

The episode not only brings recognition to the campus and students’ unique perspectives, but also gives prospective students a more accessible and inclusive way to experience the school.

The episode is available to watch on the CSB and SJU website and YouTube channel, and “The College Tour” website.

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