Nov 30, 2022

Central Minnesota Resident Appointed to Governor’s Advisory Council

By Zac Chapman / Assistant News Director

Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan appointed a Big Lake man to the Governor’s Advisory Council on Opioids, Substance Use and Addiction.

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Retired U.S. Army Major John Donavan was named to the 20-member voting council. The Recovery Community Network in St. Cloud noted his appointment and added he received the St. Cloud State University Alumni Service Award for 2022.

Additionally, he was named Advocate of the Year Award from the prestigious Faces and Voices of Recovery organization based out of Washington, DC. Donavan also serves as the Board Chair for the Recovery Community Network based out of St. Cloud.

The council started in 2019 and is charged with implementing a comprehensive and effective statewide effort to address opioid addiction and overdose epidemic in the state. Some of their work includes reviewing efforts related to education, prevention and treatment services, funding programs and recommending projects to state and federal organizations.

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