1. When did you get involved with 88.1 FM?
Fall 2009
2. What show(s) do you currently host on KVSC and what programs have you hosted in the past?
Root Cellar Program
3. Please list some of the artists and musicians you consider to be a must play on your show(s)?
Johnny Cash, Greg Brown, Allison Krauss, Mason Jennings and Pete Seeger.
4. Why are you involved with independent community radio at 88.1 FM?
My love for music and locally produced communications has brought me to 88.1 FM. Also, it is a lot of fun!
5. What is in your personal CD player, iPod, or mp3 right now (BE HONEST)?
A “genius” reggae mix including Bob, Ziggy and Stephen Marley, The Fugees, and Sublime. I also have Atmosphere, Lily Allen, The Black Keys, and The Streets in my reach at all times.
6. Please disclose the most embarrassing music moment or concert you’ve attended or album you’ve bought (perhaps even shameful)?
The most embarrassing album I’ve bought is one from Britney Spears; it is more embarrassing that I liked it at first.
7. What are your hobbies and interests?
I love listening to music, making art and photography, watching movies, being with my family, traveling and helping others.
8.) When you are not at work or KVSC, where can you most likely be found?
If I can help it, I’m at home.
9. If it were the end of the world and you could only take five things with you, what would they be (BE HONEST)?
1. Photographs of my family (or my family if allowed)
2. My ipod
3. Someone funny to entertain me who also gives amazing massages.
4. My camera
5. My favorite pillow and blanket.
10. What do you think is the future of radio?
Who can really predict the future of anything? Hopefully it will get better and better. I think that in the future, radio deejays will have a hard time choosing music to play with the volume of great artists to pick from! I am an optimistic though.