Ed Fish
1. When did you get involved with 88.1 FM?
Pete “The Mongrel” Morose was training director in 1991 and tricked me into doing a show. He promised me a bucket of coleslaw and a foot rub in return. I’m still waiting on the slaw.
2. What show(s) do you currently host on KVSC and what programs have you hosted in the past?
At one point or another I’ve hosted nearly every show in the KVSC line up. The prog rock and new music shows are my favorites. Discovering new artists is half the fun and keeps me coming back for more. I like to try to come in early before my show and preview the new arrivals. The trick is to match the latest releases up with favorites from the library and if all goes right it’s nearly magical.I currently host the Morning Show Part One every Thursday. It’s a wonderful show full of great tunes and getting up with birds is joy even if it requires an obscene amount of caffeine to make it happen.
3. Please list some of the artists and musicians you consider to be a must play on your show(s)?
I have a soft spot for indie power pop and I think that some of the music coming out of Minnesota is the best anywhere. However, my tastes are wide and varied. To that end there is a good chance you’ll hear some Bishop Allen, Andrew Bird, Cloud Cult, The Avett Brothers, Mavis Staples, Dessa, Dr. Dog, Electric President, Neutral Milk Hotel, We Were Promised Jet Packs, Thao, Bon Iver, David Byrne, Rural Alberta Advantage, Hey Rosetta!… oh crimney… I could go on forever.
4. Why are you involved with independent community radio at 88.1 FM?
I strongly feel that KVSC is one of the best radio stations in the world and a gem of central Minnesota. What KVSC does is so rare and goes far beyond the radio dial. There is obviously the music but more so KVSC is a voice for the community. Everything from a showcase for local artists, live in-studio music, to local news coverage and of course the Trivia Marathon. I live and breathe this place and it is near and dear to me. Heck, I even met my wife at KVSC.
5. What is in your personal CD player, iPod, or mp3 right now (BE HONEST)?
I’m streaming KVSC right now.
6. Please disclose the most embarrassing music moment or concert you’ve attended or album you’ve bought (perhaps even shameful).
Thinking I was cool and spinning vinyl for my 2nd Jazz Edition ever and of course, I cue up “Take Five” by Dave Brubeck. A great track that everyone knows. I proudly proclaimed how awesome it was since it was a very fast version. A caller kindly let me know I had the turn table set on 78 instead of 33 1/3.
7. What are your hobbies and interest?
If I had my druthers I be somewhere on the water or in woods on any given day. Put me in a canoe and paddle in my hand I’m about as happy as I can I be.
8. When you are not at work or KVSC, where can you most likely be found?
I’m a web designer/developer by trade so I’m usually found somewhere in a dark room lit by the light of an LCD while streaming KVSC. Not glamorous but I get to listen to music and draw pictures all day long.
9. If it were the end of the world and you could only take five things with you, what would they be (BE HONEST)?
End of the world and only five things? Well, shucks that’s easy: my family, last week’s lottery numbers, a five dollar bill, and a time machine.
10. What do you think is the future of radio?
Commercial radio is dead. Has been for quite a while now. The future is all about connecting with the local community and adding value. Local and community radio is where it’s at with two turn tables and a microphone.