Feb 7, 2024
St. Cloud Area School District and SCEA reach tentative agreement
By Grace Jacobson / News Director
ST. CLOUD, Minn. — St. Cloud Area School District 742 and the St. Cloud Education Association (SCEA) announced on Tuesday that they’ve reached a tentative two-year agreement for the 2023-2025 teacher contract.
According to the press release from St. Cloud Area School District, the teacher salary schedule will increase by 4% in year one and by 2.25% in year two, on both the regular salary schedule and the extra-curricular schedules.
Teachers will also see a 5% increase in the district’s contribution to family health insurance in year one. In year two there will be increases in longevity pay for teachers with 12 or more years of service in the district.
The agreement also adds 15 minutes per day to the teacher duty day for teacher collaboration time across all school sites. This means the salary schedule will increase an additional 3.45% for the 2024-2025 school year.
Teachers will vote on the agreement at their school sites on Feb. 20 and 21.
If ratified by SCEA members, the Board of Education will vote on the agreement at the 6:30 p.m. board meeting that Wednesday night.