Jun 21, 2024
Stearns County Sheriff’s Deputy hits powerline pole in Kimball causing power outage
By Grace Jacobson / News Director
KIMBALL, Minn. — Several people in the Kimball area lost power earlier this week when a Stearns County Sheriff’s Deputy struck a power line pole on his way to a call.
Around 6:15 p.m. on Sunday, June 16, Deputy Allan Sana was responding to a call in his marked squad car when he tried to turn left onto County Road 44 from Highway 55. That’s when he lost control and hit a power line pole.
The pole snapped, which downed power lines and cut power to parts of the area.
Paramedics treated Deputy Sana at the scene before releasing him.
No one else was hurt and power to the area was restored.

Credit: Stearns County Sheriff’s Office