May 25, 2010

Archived: Monday’s Record-Breaking Weather

Monday’s high temperature of 94 degrees was the hottest temperature central Minnesota has experienced in three years. According to St. Cloud State Meteorology Professor Bob Weisman, the last time we saw a temperature above 94 degrees was on August 10th, 2007, when the high reached 96 degrees. Weisman says the temperature never got warmer than 92 degrees last year or 91 degrees in 2008.

Weisman says, perhaps even more amazing is the record low temperature of 71 degrees set on Monday morning. It tops the previous record low temp for May 24th of 66 degrees set in 1905. The combination produced an average temperature of 83 degrees, yet another record. In all, Weisman says Monday was 24 degrees warmer than normal.

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