Apr 22, 2024
Otsego police chase leads to driver being airlifted
By Grace Jacobson / News Director
OTSEGO, Minn. — A driver from southeastern Minn. led Wright County deputies on a short chase Sunday night when trying to initiate a traffic stop.
Around 10:30 p.m., the Wright County Sheriff’s Office responded to a complaint of a pickup “driving erratically.”
Deputies found the pickup in Otsego where they tried to pull over the driver, 44-year-old Corey Pratt of La Crescent, but he fled southbound onto Highway 101.
Eventually, deputies made contact with the pickup on the off ramp to the City of St. Michael, which caused it to roll.
Deputies found evidence of “possible alcohol consumption and impairment” from Pratt.
He was air lifted to Regions Hospital for his injuries.
The incident is under investigation,