Jun 17, 2010

Archived: Trivia Theme Contest: Help us Choose a Theme!

It’s time to start thinking about a good trivia theme for 2011. We know it’s early, but it’s time to get the wheels turning as we drive into the future of the phenomenon known as Trivia Weekend!  Maybe "driving into the future" is a good theme? Probably not, but you just never know! So gather a few of your best ideas and submit to info@kvsc.org. Remember to think of themes we can base questions around, are relevant  to the times and lastly, one that we can build a firm marketing program around in promoting the event. Think about imagery, sound bites, trivia questions — the whole package. View our Trivia History page for a complete list of past themes.

And the best part? If we choose your theme, you’ll get a special prize package of KVSC merchandise and a nostalgic package of trivia items! So start thinking and help us out in making this very important decision!

Thank You Underwriters
